The Roque Nublo, one of the natural symbols of Gran Canaria, warrants that you will be able to see its secret places.
1. woraus sind die Steine gemacht? The first secret is to be found from Stein to Stein and from Fels to Fels: Why do the rocks on the summit of Gran Canaria exist? Und woraus besteht der Roque Nublo, das Wahrzeichen der Insel, überhaupt? Time and weather are the answer. This spectacular monolith, about eighty meters high and at a height of more than eight hundred meters, is the most famous example of the explosion of a stratovulcan explosion for several million years. The most famous building that exists today, the time, formed the Asche and other vertebrate Pyroclastika to the figure of the Roque Nublo, which we see today.